Tuesday, December 24, 2019


She flipped the mattress
and I averted my eyes
The blood on the fabric just poured fear into my lies
She muttered its over
I knew she meant us
I flew into a rage and I hopped the next bus
Now I’m down in Houston
Where the sun cracks my skin
And each night I dream of washing the sheets and wake up shaking again

There’s nights I still fall
And I track down the gray
And I walk past the windows that show me my life is passing away
If it’s a trick of the light
Or a sign of my age
If we passed on the street I pray you wouldn’t know my face
But I still see yours
In that early morning light
With the dust from the mattress surrounding you like angels in flight 

Friday, December 6, 2019

The restlessness of youth has faded
Into nights I can't recall. I waited for your footsteps rocked the cradle against the wall
I drank from flowing springs of my own mortality and watched the silver plated trumpets blow away my Sovereignty 

In memory I find you now where I lost you in my sleep a far more dangerous conclusion that I reached, but did not keep.